Thursday, September 18, 2008

To Typhoon #13

Dear Typhoon #13,

First of all, I am very disappointed that you missed Tsushima, ~completely~, after news reports suggested that you might come this way earlier in the week and give me my first day off from school due to typhoon. I've never been in a typhoon before and was kind of excited for the new experience. Also, missing school due to typhoon is so much cooler than due to the immense amounts of precisely-timed snow of my childhood. The plows can come out in force during a snowstorm and school can prevail, but I doubt wee island folk could do much against your dangerously-strong winds. I was looking forward to battering down the hatches and hoping that my sliding doors held. Especially against such a terror as yourself, typhoon number 13!! ... a superstitiously important number and quite fitting for my first typhoon experience. (Just think.. instead of this drab letter to you, I could be writing an "Ode to Typhoon #13" right now! ... but nay, you've missed your chance for greatness and immemorialization. Sadly, you typhoons are named by the order you arrive in a certain typhoon season. You missed your chance this go-around.)

Secondly, I could have used a day off this week. Yes, I know, I already got Monday off due to "Respect for the Aged Day" -- disrespectfully shortened by moi to "Old People's Day"-- but it was my first visit to a new school and a particularly trying school at that. Things brightened a little today, my third and last day at that school for awhile, but it was generally a slog.

For shame, Typhoon #13. I'll expect more from you next year.


Anonymous said...

Be careful what you wish for--typhoons in Japan can be quite dramatic:

Kiwi said...

Yeah, but like Typhoon #13, that one also headed east, along southern Kyushu and up into Kyoto. Tsushima apparently doesn't get many, and when they do come they aren't bad...

MOM said...

My daughter, always looking for
the excitement in life, new experiences, and living on the edge!!